Wednesday 13 April 2011

Peake Fruit - Strawberries are just around the corner!

As we all know, the great British summer time isn't often that great! I'm starting to feel summery but the sun is currently not shining. So I have been trying to find other ways to get that feeling, and I have found it! Fresh strawberries and cream!

Peake Fruit have many farms in Essex and Suffolk, but the one I am most excited about is situated in Ardleigh, Essex. They produce strawberries from May right through till Novemeber due to some clever planning and different varieties.

New Home Farm is yet another example of local produce that is grown with our countryside in mind. The farm uses a state of the art irrigation system from their own resevoir to minimise water wastage. The variety of strawberries they grow are also naturally disease resistant so therefore reducing the need for soil sterilisation and some fungicides.

If you dont like strawberries then dont panic. Peake Fruit farms also grow over 40 different varieties of apples. They where even one of the first suppliers to provide Sainsburys and Morrisons with traditional and unusual English varieties. The fruit provided to the supermarkets is of such high quality that the apples are often taken straight from the orchard directly into trays and sent.

So, if like me you also now fancy some strawberries and cream, you should definitly hang on until May and try out some from New Home Farm.

If you would like some more information click here

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Colchester Oyster Fishery - Dine like you’re at The Ritz

When I decided to set up this blog, I really wanted to bring you a variety of different produce. Really prove to you how fantastic our local produce is. Colchester Oyster Fishery is definitely a good find.

I was pleasantly suprised by the top names that they provide to. Names such as Gordon Ramsay's restaurants and The Ritz. They supply wholesale markets 5 days a week including the famous Billingsgate Fish Market of London.

I dont think I need to emphasise the quality of Colchester Fishery's produce, such well respected names speak for themselves. So, instead I will tell you about the variety of shellfish on offer.

The fishery itself is located on Mersea Island,Essex. It is on the island that they grow, grade and store their shellfish. These include oysters, crabs, scallops and lobster.

If you fancy treating yourself to some shellfish, Colchester Oyster Fishery sells their products online and promises to put their undivided attention into preparing your order.

If you would like to find out more click here

Sarah Green's Organics - Fresh Veg all year round!

I cant help but find it so endearing at the passion our local producers of Essex and Suffolk put into to providing some of the most fantastic produce. Sarah Greens Organics is certainly no exception to this rule.

Sarah owns 30 acres of farm land in the Dengie Peninsula of Essex. With some careful planning Sarah manages to produce fresh vegetables every week of the year. As a result of this the farm is always producing a varied range of seasonal produce to the local area and London markets.

All the produce from the farm is organic. No chemicals are used to kill insects and weeds and as a result wildlife thrives in a beautiful natural habitat. If that wasn't enough TLC for you, ploughing, planting, hoeing and harvesting is often done by hand all year round. If that's not dedication then I don't know what is!

The farm really does produce a vast variety of vegetables, everything from aubergines to tomatoes, cabbages, cauliflower and onions to courgettes, the list goes on......

If you live in the local area, there is a delivery box scheme where you can have fresh vegetables straight to your door.

If you would like to find out more click here

Mersea Wine

In my quest to bring to you the best produce our local counties can offer. I have come across another Essex based vineyard producing fantastic quality wines.

Mersea Wines is, unsurprisingly, located on Mersea Island between the estuaries of the Blackwater and Colne rivers. Its gently sloping, south facing fields, make for a perfect location to grow five different types of grapes, producing a variety of wines.

Mersea Island Vineyard covers some 10 acres of land and consequently manufactures 10,000 bottles of wine on their premise. If your interested in how they make their wine, then tours are available.

Mersea Wines currently produce five different wines for you to try, each catering for different tastes. Perhaps a A fruity Brut sparkling wine is your thing or a dry white wine, bursting with a beautiful aroma and the flavour of elderflowers. Sounds perfect for those approaching summer evenings.

There is a charming little tea shop on the vineyards, not only will they cook you up something delicious, you can also try out their wines and see which ones you like!

If you would like to find out more click here

Monday 11 April 2011

Aspall Cyder - Y not try it!

The first thing that sprang to mind when I came across this company is, whats with the funny spelling. So, to satisfy my curiosity and yours, I will explain before i go any further.

Turns out we can thank John Barrington Chevallier (known as JB) for the interesting spelling. He spelt cider with a Y as an indication of the style of cider he was producing in the 1920s. Basically, extra alcholic - I'm loving this company already!

It's not all about cider for this company, they are all about apples! So they also produce vinegar and apple juice. A lot of the apples they use are from Aspall Hall Farm in the parish of Aspall in Suffolk and their cider is made there too.

All of Aspall's produce are made with a great deal of care attention, you won't find any corner cutting here. There ciders are made with the fresh pressed juice of whole apples, for 8 generations the Aspall family have never used concentrates to stretch fermentations. They also used a variety of Apples in their cider to make the most of different flavous. This results in some of the finest cider you can buy - both locally and in the UK!

Aspall Cyder, their vinegars and apple juice are widely available throughout the UK in large supermarkets. If you would like to find out more click here

Sunday 10 April 2011

New Hall Vineyards - Essex's Award Winning Wine

I am very partial to a glass of wine, I simply cannot wait for the warm evenings when I can sit outside my local with a nice (large) glass of rosé. Bliss!

I do love to try a new wine, but forget about France, why not try something a little bit closer to home?

New Hall Wine Label
Recently, I have discovered New Hall Vineyards in Purleigh, Essex. They have over 65 hectares of vines making them one of the largest in the country. The vinyard grows over 18 different grapes, especially selected to thrive in our British climate and produce an outstanding tasting wine.

New Hall produces 11 different types of wines, from Chardonnay to Pinot Noir. Their wines combined have won them 224 awards over the years!

The vineyards themselves are open to the public, so is well worth a trip to sample some of the wines.They also hold various events throughout the year, so why not make a day of it!

If you would like to find out more click here

Earl Stonham Farms - Taking Care of Our Countryside

I love the idea behind Earl Stonham Farms ethos. Not only are they dedicated to producing top quality meat produce, but they also feel that taking care of the countryside is a top priority too.

The farm is situated on 300 kilometers of rolling countryside in Suffolk and is home to the largest full blood heard of Wagyu cattle in England.

Earl Stonham Farm believes that content cattle produce the best beef. I definitely agree with them. In the summer months the cattle are free to roam outdoors and when it gets cold they are bought indoors and housed in straw yards. The farm aims to meet the same standard as Japanese Kobe beef. However, they do not believe alcohol is appropriate to give to an animal. This farm takes a lot of pride in their live stock and as a result produces meat to an exceptionally high standard.

The farm also takes a lot of time to maintain the beautiful Suffolk countryside. The farm has planted over 600 trees and 2 kilometers of hedgerows. This helps supplement the clover-rich pastures for the animals.

Overall, I think Earl Stonham Farm is a farm to be proud of. It's nice to know that the animal's welfare really is at the heart of this farm and consequently produces wonderfully marbled beef.

If you would like to find out more click here

FairField Crisps - Move over Walkers!

When I think about crisps, the first thing that springs to mind is a packet of Walkers Ready Salted. Not that there is anything wrong with them, everyone is partial to a packet of crisps. But wouldn't it be nice to try something a bit more exciting when it comes to a quick snack?

So, I introduce to you, Fairfields Farm Crisps! The only privately owned crisp producer left in the UK to use all their own local grown potatoes.

The basis of a good quality crisp is a great potato. Laura and Robert from Fairfields farm grow theirs in Colne Valley, Essex. They let mother nature do her bit in providing top quality potatos, no chemicals just the odd words of encouragement.

As far as flavouring goes, Fairfields has gone above and beyond to brighten up the traditional flavours as well as introducing some of their own. For example, they took salt and vinegar and turned it into sea salt and Aspalls Cyder Vinegar made from English apples grown in Suffolk. I must admit that sounds far more appetizing!

The company won an award at the Essex Food & Drink awards last year, and I'm not surprised. They put a lot of hard work into their produce and it comes across!

To find out more click here

Maldon Sea Salt - The Choice of the Gourmet

Maldon Sea Salt is world renowned for it high quality and its honor to tradition. The salt itself is defined by its pyramid-shaped, soft and flaky crystals with a clean fresh taste. This is a company that is certainly worth its weight in salt (Sorry, I couldn't resist!)

Less is certainly more with this product, the salt has such a distinct salty taste that you don't need to use much, certainly a bonus for those conscious about the amount of salt we consume.

The company itself has been operating in the same riverside building as it did in 1882. Maldon Salt is a fine example of excellent English Manufacturing. They still use some of the traditional methods to produce the salt, which originates from the river Blackwater, Essex.

If you’re into your cookery programs, you may have heard the mention of Maldon Salt from the likes of Gordon Ramsay, Jamie Oliver and Nigella Lawson. Why should we let them have all the fun?

The salt is readily available all over the world including the larger supermarket chains. So go and find out what all the fuss is about, even if it’s just to sprinkle on your fish and chips!

For more information click here

Maldon Brewing Co. - Have a Proper Pint

Maldon brewing company is the company behind the fantastic Farmers Ales. They produce a variety of real beers and ales - a proper pint!

I love the fact that each drink the company creates has a story behind it. It also explains the somewhat peculiar names! Anyone fancy a Drop of Nelson's Blood?

Farmers Ales are virtually hand made in the stable block of Maldon's Blue Boar Hotel, even the labels on the bottles are stuck on by hand. Brewing is certainly a passion for this company and you can certainly taste that passion in their rather endearingly named ales.

In addition to the ales available all year round, Maldon brewing company also likes to produce "special beers". Every month the company brings out a new ale for one month only. For example, this month saw the launch of the Noble Knight to celebrate St Georges Day.

Now as for availability, your best bet is to head into the Maldon area of Essex and have a pint from the tap, enjoying the wonderful local atmosphere on offer. However, if that's a bit of a journey for you, then you can purchase these ales bottled and enjoy them in the comfort of your own home.

For more information click here

Friday 8 April 2011

The Tiptree Jam Toast Challenge

Tea and toast for breakfast is always a good start to the day. Most people love strawberry jam, I personally prefer marmalade, and you always get the odd one or two who adore marmite. Turns out, there are lots more toast toppings out there waiting to brighten up your breakfast.

It is for this reason that I am putting forward the toast challenge. Wilkinson's Tiptree Jam Factory make small pots of their world famous jams. For one week, try a different jam everyday, find out what your missing!

Tiptree Jam Factory, Essex, has been producing conserves since 1885, they have always grown a majority of the fruit used in production on their estate. However it's not just jam they produce, they also manufacture jellies, honey and savory sauces, so move over Heinz!

The factory itself is open to visitors, why not make an afternoon out with a visit to the museum and finish off sampling their delights in the tea room.

So, back to my challenge. Tiptree jam is available in a majority of supermarkets and farm shops, so there is no excuse not to give it a go. There are over 30 types of conserves available from Apricot to Pineapple! Find the perfect one to brighten your mornings.

For more information about Tiptree jam and to view all their products, click here

Fruity Fun on Lathcoats Farm

I am a firm believer of food tasting better if you make it yourself, and in a funny way, fruit tastes better if you pick it yourself. There is something very satisfying about hunting down the biggest, brightest and shiniest strawberry hiding amongst the leaves.

It’s definitely a fun and productive way to spend an afternoon. Plus at Lathcoats Farm, picking your fruit isn’t the only entertainment. The farm is also a member of the Essex Wildlife Trust and is home to a wide variety of plants, birds and animals. Watch out for the goats if you want to keep your freshly picked fruit, you have been warned!

This blog is my opportunity to showcase to you the best local produce Essex and Suffolk can offer. So I bet you didn't realise Essex has its own types of Apples to boast about. The farm grows over 40 types of apples including Essex's own Chelmsford Wonder, Queen, D'Arcy Spice and Discovery.

Lathcoats Farm is one of the last fruit farms in Essex, they are definitely worth supporting. However, don't feel left out if you fancy the fruit without the labor. There is a charming farm shop and you can still enjoy the beautiful surroundings without breaking a sweat. I would definitely recommended spending a sunny afternoon here, to find out what fruits are available and when click here for more information.

Primrose Pork - Making Bacon Even Better

Pork, I had to really think hard for something interesting I can say about pork. After a bit of research, I have found some information to make you feel a little less guilty about eating bacon. Not only that, I've also found a great new farm to get your bacon from!

Contrary to popular belief, pork can be incredibly lean – as low as 4% fat. And with its high protein, vitamin and mineral content, it can play a key part in a healthy balanced diet. Pork is definitely better when its free range, something which Farmer Robert Moss specialises in.

Primrose Pork setup business in 2004, and ever since then has been producing top quality pork.

The pigs farmed are completely free range, they are born outdoors in the Essex countryside and remain outside. Although, they do have warm straw huts for shelter in the winter, and a lovely muddy wallow for the summer.

The pigs are fed on a high quality traditional ration, no hormones or anti-biotics. I love the idea that these pigs happily spend their time growing naturally on the farm, I believe this contributes to tender, succulent and delicious pork.

Primrose Pork has a farm shop located in Great Bromley, Colchester - It's certainly worth a stop by sometime.

For more information click here

Healthy Drinks - You Wont Beet This!

We all know about healthy eating, so I'm not going to bore you with anymore on the subject, but have you ever spared much of a thought towards a healthy drink?

Water, Orange Juice, Apple Juice..... perhaps a Smoothie? Well why not try something a little different? I give you (drum roll please!) organic beetroot juice!

Before I divulge the delights of this concotion, I do have to come clean. The beetroots are not grown in Essex or Suffolk, but instead just outside, in Cambridgshire. However, the drink is 10% fresh apple juice, grown just outside Ipswich. So I have redeemed myself!

Now as for the drink, it's made by James White Drinks, the only people who manufacture Beetroot juice in the UK. So why beetroot? Well, beetroot juice is particularly high in natural dietary nitrates,making it very healthy.

Due to its strong health benefits, its even available in shot form. Yes, you can have a shot of beetroot juice! It's actually a firm favourite amongst the sporting elite due to its ability to increase stamina.

I cant say I have ever tried Beetroot juice, but I love it in a crumble, so i reckon James White is on to a winner here!

If you would like to try some Beetroot Juice, please come back and comment on this post and let me know what you think, then click here

The Sound of Summer - The Original Rossi Ice Cream

For the first time this year, I heard the true nostalgic sound of summer - the chimes of an ice cream van.

Now that the sun is shining, and summer is just round the corner, the thought of sitting on a beach somewhere catching the drips from a 99' makes me smile.

There is nothing better than an Original Rossi Ice cream to indulge my cravings. Rossi's is one of the few UK makers of artisan ice cream still using fresh milk as opposed to just milk powder; you can certainly taste the difference! Rossi has been making ice cream on Essex’s Southend Sea Front since 1932, and to this day still use the same recipe penned by
Pietro and Luisa Rossi.

Rossi hasn't let the idyllic vanilla 99' curb their creativity. They haven't stopped at vanilla ice cream but instead have dozens of flavours available. From your classic mint choc chip, chocolate and strawberry to Banana, Butterscotch and Tuti-Fruti.

As it’s such early days in the summer season, I bet you haven’t indulged in your first ice cream of the year. However when you do, and don’t leave it too long before the sun disappears, make sure your first one is a Rossi's.

To find your nearest seller or to if you want to find out more click here
